Started reading: July 24th 2017
Finished the book: July 27th 2017
Pages: 175
Genres: Science Fiction, Romance
Published: August 25th 2017
Source: Got a digital copy from the author
Goodreads score: Not enough ratings
My score:

In a far corner of the galaxy, a deadly war rages on. The Budheya people are one of the worst affected. Once the most advanced civilization in the quadrant, they now struggle under the cruel yoke of Ketaari occupation.
Saakshi, a Budheya girl imprisoned by the Ketaari Imperial Forces, is sent to a distant space station to work as a server girl in an alehouse. For a girl who has known only hardship in her short life, things could be worse. Until an old foe from the past walks into the alehouse. Alone, friendless and far from home, desperation forces her to turn to an unlikely source for assistance. Zoran is Hadari’Kor, notorious across star systems for their prowess in battle. Their reputation as nomadic mercenaries who owe allegiance to none and only fight for hire make people wary of tangling with them.
The fallout from this improbable alliance between a Budheya rebel and the Hadari’Kor mercenary reverberates across space. Old assumptions are broken and new partnerships between unlikely allies forged. Through the minefield of shifting alliances, Zoran must fight to protect Saakshi from a relentless enemy. When passion flames amidst the embers of a smoldering war, will one warrior’s quest for justice being a mighty Empire to it’s knees…
In a far corner of the galaxy, a deadly war rages on. The Budheya people are one of the worst affected. Once the most advanced civilization in the quadrant, they now struggle under the cruel yoke of Ketaari occupation.
Saakshi, a Budheya girl imprisoned by the Ketaari Imperial Forces, is sent to a distant space station to work as a server girl in an alehouse. For a girl who has known only hardship in her short life, things could be worse. Until an old foe from the past walks into the alehouse. Alone, friendless and far from home, desperation forces her to turn to an unlikely source for assistance. Zoran is Hadari’Kor, notorious across star systems for their prowess in battle. Their reputation as nomadic mercenaries who owe allegiance to none and only fight for hire make people wary of tangling with them.
The fallout from this improbable alliance between a Budheya rebel and the Hadari’Kor mercenary reverberates across space. Old assumptions are broken and new partnerships between unlikely allies forged. Through the minefield of shifting alliances, Zoran must fight to protect Saakshi from a relentless enemy. When passion flames amidst the embers of a smoldering war, will one warrior’s quest for justice being a mighty Empire to it’s knees…
My thoughts
So glad to have my hands on another Petra Landon book! Her first book The Prophecy was a great book and I had high expectations for this book as well. I have to say; Petra Landon did not let me down! The Prophecy is categorized as Fantasy and this one is in the Science Fiction genre and I'm blown away on how well Petra Landon can handle both these genres. The worldbuilding in her books are amazing! Don't forget to check back on August 27th, when I will organize a Giveaway for The Mercenary!
- Couldn't put it away: I read this book WAAAAYYY past my bedtime. I was on vacation when I took this book with me and I remember one evening when I was reading this book in front of my tent. It was around 11 PM and I was exhausted so I told my boyfriend that I was going to bed. I took the book with me and decided to read some pages. I remember my boyfriend also going to bed, falling asleep and when I checked the clock it was 2 AM! I did not want to put the book down.. But yeah.. Bedtime was calling for me! I love it when a book just pulls you in, makes you forget time and makes you read past your bedtime.
- Great world building: I expected great worldbuilding after reading The Prophecy and I was not disappointed. This whole world, all the races and tribes and language, it all comes from Petra Landon's mind. It's incredible and believable at the same time. It's so nice when a book introduces you to a whole new world that you're eager on exploring!
- Is there more to come?! Since the book is called War Chronicles #1, I'm pretty sure there is more to come and I NEEEEDDD more to come. I was kinda sad that the book was over already and I don't feel ready to say goodbye to this new world with all its inhabitants.
- Listened to advice: I have to give Petra Landon a lot of credits. The way she handles feedback, positive remarks as well as criticism is admirable. After my last review for The Prophecy we just kicked it off and had a lot of contact, but I can tell that she took my criticism by heart and actually did something with it. I'm not telling you that every author should listen to the things I have to say, but some authors don't even thank you after writing a review and the way Petra Landon handles her contacts is very professional and not like any I have seen before.
- Liked more background: I would have LOVED to learn more about the history in this world. The little bits and pieces of history left me craving for more and I got very curious, especially about the rebellion. I would've loved to know more about Saakshi's life before being imprisoned. I really hope I'll get even more background stories and history in the next book(s).
- No flaws in main characters: I sometimes felt like Saakshi and Zoran were (too) perfect, both as individuals but as well in their relationship. (Sorry that I won't stop comparing this book to The Prophecy). But, in The Prophecy, for example, I felt like the Alpha Protector did have flaws in his personality, which made him even more realistic. I hope to learn more about Saakshi and Zoran's personalities in next books, not only the good things, give me the flaws as well!
If I'm honest... I can't imagine Petra Landon NOT becoming a bestselling author one day. I highly advise anyone who likes Fantasy/Sci-Fi to pick up one of her books and keep your eyes open for her new books. This is a very professional author whose strength is the worldbuilding which totally comes from her imagination. If you're a sucker for some good romance, action and great worldbuilding you should pick up this book.
I will not stop reading these books, talking about these books, promoting these books. Petra Landon deserves huge audiences reading her books, so I really hope to persuade some people to just try one of her books!